Friday, April 13, 2012

Better Than Today

Things That Bothered Me At Work Today:
1) When people smell bad and leave their stink at my desk when they walk away.
2) When people can't add two whole numbers together.
3) When those things happen simultaneously.

I can't handle it.

Also, I got sad today because I saw a bunch of relatively inexpensive framed art online today and I wanted all of it and I very responsibly did not buy it because I DO NOT CURRENTLY HAVE WALLS UPON WHICH TO HANG SAID ART BECAUSE I AM WAITING TO MOVE TO CHICAGO SO SOMEONE PLEASE GIVE ME A JOB.

So yeah. Instead I bought a Prada messenger bag, because my old Fossil one has a hole in it and I'm a label whore.

In other news, my paternal grandmother passed away on Sunday/Easter/my cousin's 16th birthday. Clearly, a flair for the dramatic runs in the family. I haven't really dealt with it all that much because it was a whirlwind of people I don't know and family I haven't seen in years and me being freaked out at being a pallbearer. And then there was the fact that both of my parents would be in attendance and I'm pretty sure the last time I saw them in the same room, let alone speaking to each other, was in the late 90s. For real.

Shockingly, pretty much everything went down without a hitch. I've decided to take my time and not force myself to think about it or be sad about it. It'll happen when it happens. In the meantime, I've chosen to remember things like how she used to pick me up every Thursday when my mom worked late and take me to pick up my comic book subscription. Or the time I was around 4 years old and my mom walked in on the two of us and my grandfather draped in costume jewelry playing the shit out of fake musical instruments in front of MTV. Or how she once wrapped all of my Christmas presents in Hanukkah wrapping paper because she thought it was pretty and had no idea what a dreidle was.

She was pretty awesome.

And now I get to go work all damn weekend. Yee. Haw.

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